Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Hangin out

Well my birthday is coming up. Trying to decide what I really want to do. Maybe a car trip on the coast of Spain? Or the southern borders of France. Yeah right, rich girl I am not.

I went out last night to see a band play here in Paris. It was great!!!! I danced and danced and drank beer. Yeah, I drank beer, and now I am crying because I don't really drink. Oh well that happens.

I am sittin' here now listening to Zap Mama the new one. I love that group. They are the best. It seems like they are finally gonna get some real attention in the states. I mean the masses will hear them. I think they deserve that!!! Finally got a guestbook on my website, so maybe some people will leave me a message when they stop by my site.

I wish I had money to put a good recording on my site. I tried to record with a mini disc and it didn't work well. The recording I have now is the first concert that I did with new songs. We were testing stuff out, so some stuff worked some stuff didn't. Anyway, that's the way it is. I will keep working until that changes. Doin my thing.

I am waiting with impatience for the film of Michael Moore to come to France. I have seen pictures of the lines of people outside of the cinemas, and I must say I am more than pleased. Not that I had anything to do with the film, but more because I am glad to see people respond. It's about time!! We seem to be sitting on our butts in the US. We don't fight anymore. Or at least us regular folk don't fight anymore. We just accept the way things are and basta! Anyway, that's how I feel today.


Anonymous said...

hey girl, stop drinking all that d$mn beer :)

what concert did you go to yesterday?????

i'm not going to the rimshot party saturday :(

ça me fait chier de demander des invites.

merci encore de m'avoir invité à happy pre-birthday :) bises

Song said...

So yeah the group I saw was called Jack Daoud and the revue. Dressed in 20's clothes and stuff like that. It was great I tell you just great. Peace,Song

Song said...

Actually Bernie and Family