Sunday, November 06, 2005

Attack of Sims 2...Let the Shame begin....

Hello fellow Friends,
I am here to talk about a weird thing happening to me now. I have become totally addicted to Sims 2 Nightlife in the course of two days of play. The problem comes from sitting at my computer and learning how to record on my M box. I look up and there's an extension pack to the regular Sims 2 that I play from time to time. Well just when I thought that my head would explode with all these technical things like how to successfully "bounce" a song, I decided ok a little break from this. So I installed the extension pack (like 3 times because I am so not computer saavy), and finally it works. When I looked up two and a half hours had just passed. I was like oh man..... I gotta stop this.

So, I start working on my little project again, when I get bored again. Back to the game. This time I spent like 3 and a half hours on it. I can't believe it. I am like a kid in this game. Creating my dream house. Singing Karioke, dancing with vampires, making an empire of buildings. Disocvering that I got quite an eye for some decorations and absolutely no taste when it comes to their clothes and stuff. How funny. Anyway, I don't know how these gamers do it. Play for weeks. My shoulders and finger tendons hurt like a mug. They're all cramped up. It's cold now in the house so my toes are frozen seems like. Lol....

And then today, what did I do? Well I played again of course. I learned how to put my own music in the game so now all the sims are dancing to my songs. That's so great for the Anyway, I am feeling terribly guilty for playing this game. I thought if I confessed and got a few comments, it would help me to quit. One step at a time. Maybe I should play Quake III, that'll make me forget. A little violence, what are we coming to? I am ashamed because I wonder if someone over 25 should play video games? Isn't there a law against that? Well I will keep breaking this law. I feel like I am 10 years old and I love it!!!!! Hooray, for the EA Games guys, my heroes. Well I better get back to my M box, technical things take time to learn. Maybe now I can purge myself from the game.....Momentarily that is. What's your vice?


Anonymous said...

Confession is good for the soul.

I tried M Box, did you get the Pro Tools LE with it? Well worth it, you can't beat recording with the computer, the flexibility is limitless! Warning: You'll never be completely comfortable for as soon as you get up to snuff then either your computer or software will be obsolete and you'll want to upgrade...

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

P.S. The SIMS like any other addiction will only detract from the quality of your life by leaving you with less time for the things that are REALLY important ; )

Sermon over...

Now go and do as I say, not as I do...

Song said...

lol so right you are. yeah I got the Pro Tools 6.4 LE. Yo, yo ,yo, it's gettin' hot in here. How are you? Doyu have a myspace account? Just curious. I am setting up one and I am hust surfing around it. .... Just finished my first vocal recording....chez moi!!!! Ha ha ha look out.....

Anonymous said...

Amazing you should ask about myspace, I just set up a basic page after surfing around a bit... problem is I don't know much about how it works yet.

My page is:, not much there yet, but I thought I'd figure it out as I go, no doubt when you sign up, I'll be your friend. I've also seen some folks from the UGS board there...

All is well here, I'm 2 excited because I've just obtained a new audio/midi interface(Edirol UA-1000) for my project studio as well as SONAR 5 software.

It amazes me sometimes how we seem to be on the same timeline. I'm working through the tutorials and manual now, no SIMS for me though... Music is my vice... too bad its not the only one...

Take care and keep focused...


Anonymous said...

Sorry babe I coulnd't help but noticing this...since it DOES remind me of what happened to me some time ago! My ex bf installed this SIMS game on my PC a couple of years ago...and boy did I get addicted to it!! I was finding myself spending hours on it, and it never happened to me before cos i don't even like videogames!
That game is different, it makes you lose your focus on your real life! So, the guilt started taking over after a few days and what did I do... I unistalled it!! LOL
I still have the file on some CDs at home..but let me get back to my work!

don't worry girl, it happens to the best of us! You'll be over it soon :D