I have been busy these last few weeks. I have been going places and listening to live music. I went to a music conference in Atlanta and I am going to Los Angeles. It's been very different to be home since my travels abroad. It seems that lots of people are interested in the things I have done over there. So, let me answer a few questions..... Yes, France was a great experience. Yes, I speak French as well as English. Yes, people are more political than we are. Yes, lots of people there think that Bush is a joke and ignorant. And yes they think the same thing about us in general. I hate that. I am always defending "us" to somebody. They are always saying things like we don't know the president of France or the Prime Minister of England or even where England can be found. They are always accusing us of being TV junkies. Money hungry corporate chasing fools, they call us. Okay, not everyone , but some people that I have had the honor of arguing with.
The people are surprised when I tell them that interracial relationships are still taboo here in the states. They gasp to know that a lynching happened just three years ago, and not 30 years ago in our past. I think that we should work hard to change these images for ourselves. It seems that we are behind. We need to open our minds and learn other languages. This is quickly changing into a real global market and well we all need to be ready for that. I mean we gotta start by voting. What's up with this 12 percent of our population votes? I don't get it. How can that be? I have met so many people who have told me that they have no intention to vote nor have they ever had an intention to vote. What's up with that? How can we change anything yet? When are we gonna wake up and smell the country in deep "shit"? Yes, I think that we have a lot of issues. Let's make health care an issue. How about everyone should be able to pay for a doctor... I mean I work hard and I can't even afford to pay one when I need to. What about dental care? What about the children? I could go on and on, but I am not the one running for office.
People we gotta go vote. Next week is our chance to be a part of history. Let's not blow it please I am begging. Anyway, I'll get off my soap box and say this. We need to educate our children better. Send them over seas to Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, somewhere where their minds will begin to open. You know I saw my own country in a different light when I went across seas. It really changed the way I think about many things that's for sure............